Graveside Service
Whether Traditional Burial or Cremation, a Graveside Service is Important

In our transient, mobile society where many families live apart from one another, those times when we come back together are treasured. This includes when a loved one dies and family and friends gather together to mourn the passing and commemorate the life. One of the most meaningful ceremonies is a graveside service, where you go the distance, accompany your loved one to the grave, and say your final goodbyes.
While difficult, the graveside committal service is reported by most people as among the most rewarding experiences. According to one recent survey, 78% of consumers value the graveside service at the cemetery “as important as” or “more important than” the service conducted at the funeral home or chapel.
Watch this video for more information on committal services.
Graveside Service Options
There are many ways to pay tribute and commemorate your loved one at the graveside committal service. Personal stories, prayers, special music, memorabilia displays, balloon or dove releases are among the possibilities.
Many vaults can be personalized with images, photo collages, or even allow for family and friends to write their own personal messages or leave a thumbprint on the cover (carapace) of the vault.
As a final gesture, many families opt to stay until the vault is sealed and lowered into the grave, perhaps even taking a shovel of earth and placing it into the grave.
Talk with your funeral professional about graveside service possibilities.